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原创essay代写-The Library of Babel

文章类型:essay 发布时间:2021-10-07

阿根廷作家豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯(Jorge Luis Borges)于1944年撰写的著名短篇小说《通天塔图书馆》中宣称,图书馆是上帝的产物。图书馆是神圣的。此外,博尔赫斯还描述了图书馆中的各种事物,从图书管理员到一些传奇书籍,从宏伟的门厅到书籍的销毁,图书馆的无穷之处都在书中的每句话中都得到了体现。博尔赫斯将他的宇宙描述为相邻的巨大六角形空间的扩展。每个房间都有基本的生活必需品,以及四堵墙的书架。居民认为,它包含了故事中25个基本字符的所有可能顺序,包括22个字母,句点,逗号和空格,而书的顺序和细节则是任意的,显然是毫无意义的。博尔赫斯用抽象语言抽象地表达抽象概念,无序,混乱和重复的思想,其中包括关于宇宙的哲学思考。
Jorge Luis Borges, an Argentine writer, declared that the library was the product of God in his famous short story, The Library of Babel, which was wrote in 1944. In the short story, Borges emphasizes the eternal existence of the library and makes the library sacred.Besides, Borges describesvarious things in the library, from librarians to some legendary books, from the magnificent foyer to the destruction of books.The infinity of the library is shown in every sentences of the book. Borges describes his universe as an expansion of adjacent andtremendous hexagonal rooms. Each room has basic necessities for life, as well as four walls of bookshelves. The residents believe that it contains all possible sequences of 25 basic characters in the story, including 22 letters, period, comma, and space, while the sequence and details of the books are arbitrary and obviously meaningless. Borges uses abstract language to abstractly express abstract ideas, the thought of the disorder, chaos and repetition of books consisting of philosophical thinking about the universe.

The arbitrary arrangement of the 25 written symbols constitutes the possibility of all books, reflecting the language observation of Borges, that is to say language is the essence of the world. Dating bake to the initial evolution of human development in history, languagesmakesvitalcontributions. Language constitutes the composition of the entire world and represents the core of the world’slaws.
The library world constructed by Borges is similar to the dream displacementmentionedFreud’s On Dreamsin some respects.The phenomena ofdream displacementwill occur or not occur to people in some cases.After dream displacement, some non-essential things are replaced. Reorganization makes dreams vague and complicated, but the key things remain unchanged. The abstraction of Borges in The Library of Babel complicates the image of the library, but there is only one same theme, which is eternal.As Freud's theory says, the grasp of the subject matter is mainly carried out through vision. Thoughts will influence the modelling of work content and rearrange the structure (Freud 55). It also applies to the philosophy discussion of Borges in books. 
博尔赫斯(Borges)在他的书中使用了无穷大,现实等许多标志性概念以及迷宫般的许多可视化图像。该库也是与宇宙的明显比喻。图书馆的概念是通过与Borel的指纹学定理进行比较而得出的。“有半数配备打字机的猴子在少数情况下会制作大英博物馆的所有书籍,” Borges(3)在“图书馆总数”。
Borges uses many signature conceptslike infinity, realityand many visualized images like labyrinthsin his book. The library is also an apparent analogy to the universe. The concept of the library is featured by comparingwith the Borel's dactylographic monkey theorem.“Half-dozen monkeys provided with typewriters would, in a few eternities, produce all the books in the British Museum”, said Borges (3) in the chapter “The Total Library”.
The Library of Babel incorporates many religious and philosophical views. The structure of the library in the novel is a hexagonal cloister that extends infinitely up and down, with the door in each cloister leads to another hexagon. The inspiration for this connection of time and space may come from the world theory of Buddhism. Borges advocates themetaphorical and perceptual thinking and denies the theoreticaland rational thinking.
Works Cited
Borges, Jorge Luis. The Library of Babel. Editorial Sur. 1941.
Freud, Sigmund. On Dreams. White Press. 2014.
